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Tanya Pino

Tanya Pino

Bbc radio 3 words and music







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BBC Radio 3 - Words and Music - Available now

bbc radio 3 words and music
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Available episodes of Words and MusicRead about our approach to external linking.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.Readings by Heather Craney and Clive Hayward

Honey Dijon and Tim K featuring Nomi Ruiz 'Love Muscle'

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All episodes of Words and Music

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Read about our approach to external linking.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites BBC Radio 3.

BBC Radio 3 - Words and Music, Time

Many composers from the classical, jazz and pop worlds have experimented with unusual or constantly changing time signatures.The programme also includes music by Haydn, Messiaen, Ligeti and Pink Floyd.Read about our approach to external linking.Lewis Carroll's Mad Hatter has bargained with Time for it to always be teatime, while in Kurt Vonnegut's Tralfamadore, moments in the past and future are as permanent as in the present.Martin Amis takes the idea to the extreme by writing the narrative of his novel Time's Arrow backwards.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.With Shakespeare, Lawrence and Milton, plus Haydn, Messiaen, Ligeti and Pink Floyd.Guillaume de Machaut and Conlon Nancarrow go further by writing music in which music retraces its steps and goes backwards.There's also time travel, from Scrooge's nocturnal visit to his past, to HG Wells's Time Machine disappearing into the future. Music.

BBC Radio 3 - Words and Music, Clockwise

The imperious shrilling of the alarm clock; the way ticking sometimes sounds like fate approaching; the moments elongated or abbreviated by emotion: the way the imagination tends to go blank before the notion of eternity: these are all part of a meditation on why and how we measure time - from Handel's pieces for musical clocks to St Augustine's Confessions.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.Read about our approach to external linking Words and Music Episodes Next on.

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Does this lead to confusion and regret, or to a eureka moment of clarity.Harriet Walter and Don Warrington read poetry and prose on the idea of being lost, both physically and metaphysically.Emily Dickinson, and music by Beethoven, Bach, Debussy, Jerome Kern and Charles.Read about our approach to external linking.Including Dante, Thoreau and Marquez, plus Beethoven, Bach, Debussy, Kern and Ives.With texts by Dante, Thoreau, Marquez, Stevie Smith and.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.The programme ventures into areas of life which can make us fearful; places where emotional states can be raw, some of the writers here are caught up in the emotion of the moment, occasionally bitter, but many are reflective, considering the truths uncovered in moments when the familiar and the known are gone, or obscured.The music includes Beethoven, Bach, Debussy, Jerome Kern and Charles Ives.Some of the writers here are caught up in the emotion of the

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Texts and music on the subject of time

bbc radio 3 words and music
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Texts and music on the theme of being lost, with readers Harriet Walter and Don Warrington

Upcoming episodes of Words and Music.

Texts and music on the subject of time, with readings by Gemma Arterton and Rufus Sewell..

Texts and music on the theme of clocks and timekeeping. With Toby Jones and Romola Garai.

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